Our Best-Selling T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Online - Pipe Clamps

Our Best-Selling T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Online

Our Best-Selling T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Online Specification & Features Product Name: T-Clamp Ps 1-3/8 X 1-3/8 In Rp Brand: Stephens P...

T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp

Our Best-Selling T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Online

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: T-Clamp Ps 1-3/8 X 1-3/8 In Rp
  • Brand: Stephens Pipe & Steel
  • Model: HD27111-RP

  • UPC: 754761762560
  • Weight: 0.500 lbs

Used to join two pieces of 138'' tubing at a 90 degree angle. requires the use of one (578.0556) 516'' x 114'' long carriage bolt and nut.

Comments List

  • T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Reviews:

    Very good weather station allows you to have 4 temperatures 4 places different. With just the necessary information. Temperature and humidity levels. I am septic about the reliability of this weather station. In a first time everything went well, very simple to use, accessible all the time settings and the date goes well. then I waited a good day before checking the temperature it indicates. And I was able to establish that the probe is outside does not indicate the right temperature. Of the order of 8 or 9 degree difference. my face indiquai -4°C, whereas the station I mentioned 4. 5°C. Ordered product to replace old sensors that no longer worked. Corresponds well to the model and is set up perfectly with the station. Fast delivery. Benefits : French Instructions, Not take him long to make it work (it should just find the right air pressure of the city at the time) and fix it, good report price-quality, readable, well-detailed, multifunction. Very good product! The different elements communicate seamlessly via radio wave. No worries on that side. Research of the DCF transmitter sometimes a little slow... Pity that we can not leave the blue backlight on when the station is plugged in.
  • Cheap T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp:

    Battery OK for economy but on ac would have been nice.... The implementation is very simple, the anemometer is of good quality and reliable. However the gauge is not very reliable and its use is complicated but I think the station is still a very good product. please note that this product never gave me the outside temperature..... if you want to lose money..... buy this product. Enrésumé it is really a crass that made me lose a lot of time and, due to its price.... it is too costly to want to return it.... do not buy especially this dirt. Device easy-to-implement, reliable. The radio link does not cause problems. The aesthetic is correct. I recommend the purchaseGreat to be able to change to a room without having to buy a new thermometer. An intelligent policy. No worries, it works very well. Attention think well after installation to remove and replace the batteries in the thermometer to reset it. Much cheaper than the station that I owned, and in which the sensor has never worked, this product is a child for immediate use. I'm buying more and more of these units. They are super useful to monitor temperature and humidity at very low cost. The display is big and easy to read from far. Min/Max readings are useful to monitor conditions over time. Now I want it in each of my rooms. Time option is a plus. Device in accordance with expectations, received on the date prévuce is not the precision to 0. 1 °C but rather 0.
  • Cheap T-Clamp Ps 1-3/8 X 1-3/8 In Rp:

    5 °C, but easy-to-implement and easy-to-readAll you need, for those who do not want to break the head for the installation or tired eyes on a record (yet well written in French (which is rare) simply install the batteries and everything worked!!! Engineers refrain, the other : jump on the opportunity, which, moreover, is not expensive! The + :- The precision is excellent and can be correlated to other weather stations (Oregon, LaCrosse...). - The road is excellent, simple and fast. - Android Interface nice and very informative/application-browser is very well done also! - Possible integration in home automation (eedomus for my part) in order to control its maisonLes - :- The price, still a bit high, but in front of such a quality, I do not regret having made the step! Works perfectly in the pool. But :- Does not work when it is immersed in the skimmer (loss of radio range), probably because of the iron in concrete cast in cement. - Does not work under a solar cover (bubble cover) is metallised. The metal screen should be sufficient to prevent the radio link with the base. In this case, it is sufficient to immerse the sensor in the edge of the tarp, leaving the upper part above the tarp. Apart from those two caveats (which are not the fact of the object), everything works wonderfully.
  • Best Buy T-Clamp Ps 1-3/8 X 1-3/8 In Rp:

    Enthusiasm to ponder :not Even a year of operation, and the product is already broken! This is even more of the planned obsolescence... :D. I recommend this manufacturer and this brand is no problem up to maintenantmaintenant you have to see in time if it's not going to be dysfunctionSimple, effective, reliable, and not expensive. I recommend this product aesthetic, which to me was a book very quickly. A gadget that is very usefulA lot of potential for this product : low profile design, the user interface is very well made and paramÄ—trage very simple. The only problem is that the indications of temperature and humidity seem to be quite fanciful : difference of 2/3 degrees with other thermometers tÄ—moins. Damage.... A priori packaged by the principle of the product and its design, I am after 5 months of use rather disappointed for 2 main reasons : - it needs to be plugged in all the time on the sector... so it can be placed near an electrical outlet, all the more that the wire is rather short. - the other point is for me most annoying : he must necessarily open the application to have access to weather information. I don't understand why there isn't a notification system configurable, which would allow the weather of the day in the morning, for example, which is displayed on the screen of the iPhone.
  • On Sale T-Clamp Ps 1-3/8 X 1-3/8 In Rp:

    In the end, I called into service my monitoring weather station "classic" (battery operated) directly displays weather information, without any manipulation.. Do fonctionnne already and 30 days to return the item are revolus from 3. The "outdoor" sensor couldn't handle the rain.. Weather Station to know with a portable device (phone, tablet) but also with a computer :- from the probe for the interior : temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, CO2 level and sound level, and since the outdoor sensor : the temperature and the humidity. Readings are made every 5 minutes. We may retain these records on an excel file and/or just see the curves of the day, week, month or year. It is also possible to view a map of the netatmo weathermap with the temperatures of all of the people who have joined the community. N. B. : there are additional modules to make additional statements, as well as a rain gauge is optional. Very satisfied with my purchaseis very fair for the connection. On fifteen meters, a wall hollow brick is sufficient to interrupt the connection between the sensor temperature of the swimming pool and the display. I am very disappointed with this product and do not recommend itplastic good finitionmesure enough préciseécran a little bit bigger would have been better for the reading. me it was placed outside and walk properlyVery well, it seems pretty accurate but not very flexible in terms of mounting. however, it is important to choose well where you place the receiver and the thermometer as the temperatures can vary a lot depending on the location. Hello, Regression since the update to 2. 0 of the defects to be corrected quickly.
  • T-Clamp Ps 1-3/8 X 1-3/8 In Rp Reviews:

    The worst is the auto-refresh every 15 min which is no longer made, so it is necessary to turn the page to update. It is unconscionable that went well before. For tablets it is necessary to put bigger numbers it's much too small, it has a background too large however there is space on a 10" tablet. For tablets 8" in portrait mode it would be nice not to fall on the graphs because my tablet is still in landscape modes. It is necessary to fix this quickly. If you follow the order of startup of the device, it is setting all alone and you have nothing to do! After 14 months of good service, the station displays for the low temperatures negative episodically or "FOH" (out of range) or "57°C", the second station of the same brand down. I give up! About the product nothing to say it works perfectly and it is powered by an AAA battery which is very convenient. Regarding the delivery it is catastrophic, a bag yellow come to China with a packaging very average and 34 days to deliver a poor piece of plastic that makes 20g.
  • Best Buy T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp:

    The seller should prevent this delivery timeThis clock matches my expectation for the price/quality ratio is very interested, good quality of manufacture it indicates the ambient temperaturecorrect price, correct delivery and product conformity, in accordance with what is said, plastic of mediocre quality that abyss was the first time that one wants to open the hatch of the battery, battery HS.... so a product that is not tested. A quality like that deserves a price even lower. The price to return the object, being almost identical to a stack, I'll tested with a new battery....... I received the thermometer with the left side of the screen that is not working but the seller is honest anyway because I was refunded quickly... I would have liked an exchange but the seller who is not English could not understand my request I think... okay I have a screen that works half but refunded. Disappointed also in the transport, just a packaging film... not cardboard, and surprised also to see that the product comes from China.



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Pipe Clamps: Our Best-Selling T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Online
Our Best-Selling T-Clamp Ps 1 3 Rp Online
Pipe Clamps
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