Find The Right Place to Review LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch - Pipe Clamps

Find The Right Place to Review LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch

Find The Right Place to Review LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch Specification & Features Product Name: LASCO 13-1257 2 Bolt Metal...

LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch

Find The Right Place to Review LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: LASCO 13-1257 2 Bolt Metal Hinged Type Pipe Repair Clamp with Bolts, 1 1/4-Inch
  • Brand: LASCO
  • Model: 13-1257

  • 1 1/4-Inch IPS 2 bolt hinged type pipe repair clamp
  • Heavy gauge galvanized steel body with rubber gasket
  • Provides a positive seal on leaking pipes
  • 3-Inch in length
  • Quick easy to use

LASCO 131257 Pipe Repair Clamp With Bolts 1 14Inch Pipe Size Metal Hinged Type 2 Bolt. 1 14Inch IPS 2 bolt hinged type pipe repair clamp. Heavy gauge galvanized steel body with rubber gasket. Provides a positive seal on leaking pipes. 3Inch in length. Quick easy to use. 3Inch in length.

Comments List

  • LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch Reviews:

    Very quick delivery by mail with enclosed envelope to slip the gift card and message if you wish. Popular gift that allows the recipient to buy what it wants on the AMAZON site. I didn't believe in reading that delivery would take place the next day. And yet it happened as expected. Card well packaged and the print is suberbe. The paper is of good quality. The touch one feels that it is not a simple sheet. Good weight that sets the impression of a gift of quality. In addition to the envelope that is provided. This is beautiful ^^Thank you Amazon. Happy HolidaysA gift card, it allows you to indulge without the risk of being wrong. Everyone wins : the one who offers and the one who receives! It is not wrong to have had the benefit of a gift card in a reduction of a purchase on Amazon. In fact, I had many purchases to make on the site and it allowed me to find what I need and to economy. Service is very good marketing for Amazon! If you want to send me one more I agree! ;) Duration of use, the ideal and the fact of being able to use the amount at his leisure, which suits me perfectly.
  • Cheap LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch:

    A remakeNo problem, free delivery and very quick delivery! A good gift idea and the little card does not do that in the virtual :). An ideal way to make a gift while leaving the choice to the person who receives it... I used it regularly, and I've never regretted it! Immediate if you choose the mode e-mail. I bat for 15 day for a promotional offer of 10 euros after the purchase of the gift card. I'm really disappointed if you have a lot of time to waste, I recommend it. Card very easy to use. Purchases on the site are automatically debited on the card, no maneuver to do. Has quickly solved my gift problem for a wedding with a delivery to a premium service.. very convenient and always appreciated. I opted for the visual of the tree which is pretty cool. A theme more suited to the event would be appreciated in the choice of cards. Otherwise it is perfect, the back of the card explaining how to use the gift card. everywhere in the world for family friends anywhere in the world aussi100 % fiabletellement fast and efficientSystem similar to gift cards FNAC and company, so always convenient when you have not necessarily gift idea for someone. Unlike some clients who appear to be catch their card on the way, for my part no worries to be deplored.
  • Cheap LASCO 13-1257 2:

    Only thing that Amazon should change their sending gift cards this is the envelope in which they send them, they are certessobres and simple, but which would certainly all of the flights this would be to remove the logo of the shop in the corner of the envelope, one is less tempted to open an envelope, all white, a white envelope with the logo of amazon which you immediately know that this will be a gift card, given the relative rigidity of the cardboard on the inside.. The greeting card is of an acceptable quality, and no more. Don't expect to offer a nice card. It contains the amazon gift card in credit card format. ***An important detail*** the name of the article includes "... free in 1 business day", but this is not true! Take this into account if you are in a hurry! Still looking for the right gift, I found this map very handy, leaving free choice to the one who receives it. A good idea!! the gift has been very apreciated by a teenager who could choose what he wanted. good idea for christmasI do not really see the downside to the Amazon gift card except for its duration of use : tell him/her that you offer to use in the year under penalty of losing his balance!! Gift card received within time but without the word custom and... with the invoice (which is not very serious seen that the amount of it is fairly predictable but still, it makes way with a gift). I am very disappointed by this shipment. I spend actually a gift card order. I wanted to link it to a card anniversary (we are in June).
  • Best Buy LASCO 13-1257 2:

    At the time of checkout I see that the card chosen is not the birthday but Christmas. I therefore commend my basket to zero and redo a command that I valid. Unfortunately this is the Christmas card that came to me. I have not at all appreciated.. Hello all, not knowing certain desires, I opted for the gift card 50 euro, nothing to say, the recipient was well receptionné of the next day. Perfect and practicalIf this is the long-standing problems of delivery, this gift card is very convenient. The person to whom it offers a wide choice of books and cd's and... it is she who makes the choices! The gift card is perfect when you have no idea or that you are afraid of making a wrong choice. However, I was disappointed that the message I attached to the card is not been placed in my order. So the recipient did not know that it was just me. Gift card of very good quality, card, cardboard, a wide choice of patterns. The large standard gifts, but still fun and usable in many areas thanks to the wide choice of products offered by Amazon. I find that the gift card is a very good idea, and in addition to his it possible to buy DVD Blu Ray at a very attractive price. He was super thrilled and over-deliver in two days by UPS Bravo Amazon I council, you do not tighten not disappointedNot knowing what to offer, I've opted for gift cards amazon which leave the choice up to the person whether to buy something pleases him to kick on. It is not lack of choice on this site. At least this time I could not offer something which will not or does not please.
  • On Sale LASCO 13-1257 2:

    The gift cards arrived in the time indicated.. Gift card to offer, perfect for discovering Amazon people a little reluctant with online shopping. Delivered in a large envelope, cardboard package, while a letter followed/recommended enough but good free shipping so it is not really a problem. A pity that the boxes (gift card) is only available from 50€. I took two of these gift cards for my two brothers, young adults.. difficult to choose a gift for their age, especially when they have "everything"with these cards, I had something to put under the tree, and I am sure they have found their happiness. delivery flash as usual and very pretty cards. I rachèterais to the occasionVery convenient to utiliserCarte available as soon as the registration on the siteDécompte automatically when each of the commandesPas additional comments. I chose to buy this gift card because I lacked a christmas gift to make, and the date was fast approaching. I received it very quickly and I was able to choose the design and the amount that I wanted. The card itself was beautiful and the printing is neat. I am not disappointed. I recommend. This gift card is very appreciated by my son as he regularly purchases on Amazon and was able to choose the gift he wanted.
  • LASCO 13-1257 2 Reviews:

    Only problem that has its importance, this gift card is anonymous, because you can't attach a message, or at least I have not found how to do it.. Very satisfied with the presentation of the card, very pretty in very good condition, this will make a good and beautiful giftIt was a gift for my son-in-law in England, but he could not use it parceque'it has only one Amazon account English. You are authorized to repay me - and I am still waiting! Gift card sent Oct, 25, and.... I am still waiting! ayjaySmall gift simple is necessarily fun! Especially when you address a big reader! The packaging is correct and the card itself is quite nice. Concept very convenient, because it allows the person who gets to freely choose his gift and to the one who offers to have the impression of making a gift that will be a pleasure. I like the principle, but it should have a larger choice of illustrations, and a space a little larger to write the small word. These birthday cards are a gift that allows the receiver to choose among a large number of articles. In addition, the voucher can be used to finance a part of a big gift. This is perfect. I regret, however, that there is not the possibility to choose among a greater number of illustration cards for birthdays. Nothing to say about the product : the card arrived on the scheduled date. But why this insistence of AMAZON to require comments so that there is nothing to say, and this immediately upon receipt? There are products that do not justify bla-bla-bla. Others who not be able to be assessed in the long term.



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Pipe Clamps: Find The Right Place to Review LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch
Find The Right Place to Review LASCO 13-1257 Hinged Repair 4 Inch
Pipe Clamps
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